Ryan is from Strongsville, Ohio and has a passionate heart to see people and especially college students and young adults awakened to their true identity and destiny in Christ. Ryan believe's his mission statement in life is to inspire people in God's love helping them know that they have a purpose in this life. Ryan lives his life to inspire people with God's love by the power of the Holy Spirit awakening them to who they truly are and who they have been created to be. Ryan graduated from Cleveland State University with his bachelor's degree in communications and also have his masters of divinity from Ashland Theological Seminary. Ryan spent three years traveling around the world as a missionary and has been to over 15 different countries. But most of all, Ryan is a Son who is compelled by the love of the Father, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and passionately feels called to help all others know the true hope, love, and life of His Savior!